Thursday, 6 November 2014

Alien Creature Design

   Creature concept based on an alien planet made up of dense jungles and swamps. It is a creature that disguise itself as a aquatic plant when submerged in water. Also, with variations of different types and evolutions based on the same creature.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

ALEKSANDRA Mobile Artillery

 An amphibious mobile artillery concept that could fire from very long distance with high accuracy.

Royal Guard

Another  character concept. Focus on asymmetric elegant character designs.

Space Heroine

       A female Heroine Sci-fi character. Mostly inspired from bubble gum and candies.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Roshan Takedown

Based on DoTA game, five mighty heroes set to slay Roshan to claim the Aegis.


Walker Crew Concept

   The crew of ALEKSANDRA mobile artillery. The Operator, Captain, and Driver.

Mock Character Concept

Mock design for Fallout as part of an assignment to create a character based on a game aesthetic and setting. A rogue chinese soldier turned bounty hunter-companion for the main character.

Friday, 31 October 2014

Airship Design

Developed during the height of industrial revolution as a means of luxury transportation for the wealthy and powerful.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Vehicle Concepts

                                     A couple of vehicle concepts. Based on a modern setting.